(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
There are three things I've noticed recently, that I do maybe just a leeetle too often while penning the entries for my blogs:
#1.) Apologize (btw...I'm so sorry that I've neglected Little Pretties, this week)
#2.) Make Promises (...and because I've been so absent of late - I vow to post at least one photo a day, even if I write next to nothing about it)
#3.) Gush about how much I "love" certain things (OH! And can I just tell you how much I LOVE the old house in these pics.?!)
(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
Something I've always known about myself though, is that I tend to do everything in fits and starts...and this especially pertains to my art. One week I might be obsessed with my Holga, the next - I'll go off on an Instagram tangent, but for the last coupla weeks I've been all about self-portraiture. Breaking that down even more - I've been putting most of my energy, into snapping the pics. - and have put very little effort into telling their stories on either of my two photography blogs.
(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
At this point, I have a surplus of self-portraits...and and at the rate that I've been writing about them - I may never get caught up.
(Snapped on 3/21/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
On Thursday however, I decided to try and make some headway by refraining from taking any new pics., and forcing myself to sit down and scribble about the ones that I already have. I posted a new entry on The Big Ugly, about the self-portraits I staged in the house featured in the photos seen here - and once again, my poor Little Pretties got the shaft.
(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
But I've come crawling back to call on Little Pretties - to help echo yet another Big Ugly post.
(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
I'm gonna let the pictures do the talking about this calamitous monstrosity...
(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
...cuz that's what Little Pretties is supposed to be about...the pictures. Not the words, so much...and ideally even less aout me.
(Snapped on 3/21/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
I do have to mention however, that out of all the abandoned houses that I've explored and photographed - this house stands alone as the unparalleled benchmark.
(Snapped on 3/08/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
I got weak in the knees the first time I took in its splendor...*sigh*
(Snapped on 3/21/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
Anyway, so...here's what slogging through this post has got me thinking - I shouldn't have to keep apologizing and making promises that I (probably) won't keep, if I can simply make myself do better about sharing the love - between my pictures and my writing, and between The Big Ugly and Little Pretties...(note to self)
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