(All photos snapped on 4/05/11 - using an iPhone and an Instagram filter)
Now that my oldest daughter is attending boarding school, just outside of Washington D.C. - I have an excuse to go to the city more often. I've been driving out to watch her lacrosse games on Tuesday afternoons, and I'm hoping to make a habit of leaving home a few hours early - so that I can go into D.C before her games start, and snap pictures of things that I don't get to see out here in my neck o' the woods.
But here's the catch - I won't allow myself to leave my house, until I have completed certain tasks that I've laid out for myself that day...such as - posting a new Little Pretties entry, or - getting to a reasonable stopping point on a current Big Ugly post.
Last Tuesday marked the first time that I shirked my duties, and left early anyway.
I justified my impetuousness, by telling myself that - either way I was gonna be productive (right?)...and where's the harm in that?
I chose Georgetown as my inaugural D.C. photo excursion destination...
...and I'm just tickled to bits that I did...
I even stumbled upon (fortunately not down) the notorious Exorcist stairs!
There was so much to see and to shoot, that even after 2 + hours - I felt like I'd barely gotten started when it was time for me to depart D.C...
and go on over to my daughter's school...
I relished watching her lacrosse team rack up yet another effortless victory - in their impressive undefeated season, and after dinner together at a local hole-in-the-wall - it was time for me to hug my precious oldest girl - goodbye.
It was a fabulously enjoyable and productive day...and I'd like to think that tomorrow will be too.
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