A Daily(ish) Photography Blog Devoted to Long, Tall, Square, and 35mm film Pics.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Back In Action

(All pics. snapped on 3/15/13 - using an iPhone 4S and Instagram filters)

Sooooooo...after a long and painful (for me, at least) hiatus from collecting pics. to blog about here on my beloved Little Pretties - I think I might actually be back (hope, hope).  

Felt like it took forever, but I am now settled into the teensy, little rental house to which I moved recently...

...and I'm gradually beginning to feel a bit more at home in my new neighborhood...

...plus I finally upgraded from my worn-out, ancient iPhone 3G (which, about three months ago - decided not to let me edit pics. on Instagram anymore) - to a brand, spankin' new iPhone 4S!

Even more monumental than all of that though...

...my post trespassing arrest/jail time/probation jitters - have subsided enough for me to give in to the crescendoing urge to get back out there, and take some pics. with my phone and my Holga.

I woke up yesterday morning, and decided that the time to christen my new iPhone, had come...

...and so for the first time in practically forever, I went out in search of a photo-worthy location...

...and ended up at this delectable salvage yard, where for the second time in almost exactly a year - I asked for, and was given permission to tromp around snapping pics., by the incredibly chill folks who own and run the place.

(Thanks so much, you guys!)


Ya' know? It really is true what they say about not realizing how much you love something, until it's gone...

...all I can say, is that it is such a huge relief to be reuniting with my dear Little Pretties...here's hoping that nothing ever separates us again...